I Can’t Keep Silent

Winter Solstice 2021

“In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” 
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

Winter Solstice is that time of the year when the sun and light, return to the earth. Maybe this year the return of light will shed light on our shadow, that part of ourselves we try to ignore—keep hidden from ourselves. I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently and I am beginning to think that these days we are collectively seeing more of our shadow, that part of ourselves that is selfish, mean, narcissistic, angry and controlling.

To try to make sense of what I see (Pisces winding its way to Aquarius, Kali Yuga), I read and listen to sources outside of the mainstream media. I want to check what I intuitively sense is happening against what I am being told. 
For the past few months my discomfort has grown. My nonsense-making (BS) alarm is sounding— asking far more questions than giving answers. I am reminded that when managing litigation for the A.G. of Virginia, I learned an important piece of information gathering—always ask the follow-up question. I learned to be patient, ask open-ended questions, and ask the follow-up question. The follow-up question has served me well as a medical intuitive and it is serving me now. It could serve all of us during these times. To ask the follow-up question we have to want to know the Truth, and, as best we can, dig it out.

I read broadly because I want sources that research their content, are open-minded, and yes—probably lean toward the liberal end of the spectrum, although lately I have been reading from both ends of the spectrum.

Words matter. In my opinion, if I choose to write for an audience, trying to be as factual as I can, I must be accountable for my words.  It’s easy for me to be in my own head—judging, making assumptions and projecting my experience on to others. The greatest challenge for me when I write is to not self-select words and thoughts that justify my arguments.  Otherwise, I become the very people/ideas I am arguing against. It is so easy to do.

If I am not mindful, I can easily create division and exclusion between two (or more) groups when, in reality, there is no split. There is always the mandorla—the overlap between the two (like the Vesica Piscis at the Chalice Well). When I see myself in those I am judging, I refocus and do my best to stand in the middle that overlaps. 

These days, the more I read and do my research, the more follow-up questions I have. 

It seems that we have arrived at the place of having two types of humans: vaccinated vs. un-vaccinated. Why is there is no in-between or gray area? Why is there no vaccine-pass card for the person who, for one reason or another, can’t be vaccinated?

In recent months, this question of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated appears to be the sum total of our focus. Our current narrow focus pales in relation to larger issues that we not only are not addressing, we aren’t even looking at: Climate Change has Destabilized the Earth's Poles. The Atlantic's vital currents could collapse. (Tolstoy taught us that our ecological crisis was above all a crisis of limits, speaking of which, the world economy could be approaching collapse. ) Notice that I haven’t mentioned our very real crisis of Democracy and related Constitutional issues—or that so many of our elected representatives care so little for the people they have taken an oath to serve. Issues this big are hard to wrap our arms around, so we continue with our normalcy bias. (Normalcy bias, or normality bias, is a cognitive bias which leads people to disbelieve or minimize threat warnings. Consequently, individuals underestimate the likelihood of a disaster, when it might affect them, and its potential adverse effects.)

It’s too hard to think of things like the end of life as we know it, so we focus on the cause of our problems—the “others.” Right now the bad guys ruining our lives are the unvaccinated. Why? Why are we ostracizing the thousands of people who are unvaccinated? There are many, many reasons people fall into the “unvaccinated” camp (other than those who reject the jab because they reject anything the government tells them to do.) The first reason being that a large percentage of the “unvaccinated” in the US – perhaps 60% – are actually COVID-recovered, and they are more durably immune to re-infection than the vaccinated, a large percentage of whom are now 9 months post-shot, where Vaccine effectiveness vs. infection has drifted into negative territory.  Yes, the vaccines seem to protect against the virus progressing. But since we have no data, is it the vaccines or a natural progression of the virus? 

When we get down to mortality, the critical observation is the mortality in a paper published in September from the I.V. network in the United States. Mortality—vaccinated or unvaccinated in the hospital for both groups is less than 10 percent. So for those who decide not to take the vaccine, they've made a choice. And if they get hospitalized, their survival is close to those who have been vaccinated—the vaccine is not a strong determinant of hospitalization (or mortality).” (Martensen/McCullough interview.

Among the un-vaxxed, we have the thousands of individuals who have had a severe allergic reaction to their first shot (or second) and cannot have another jab. We have women who are pregnant or may want to get pregnant and are vaccine hesitant because, by Pfzier’s own admission on their label, they do not have enough data to say anything about whether a pregnant woman should be vaccinated. “It has not been evaluated and we can’t say for sure.” Pregnant women are excluded from random trials but can take the vaccine if they choose. Then they fall into Pregnancy X: no data. (Martensen/McCullough interview.)

Where did we get the impression that the vaccines would put an end to the pandemic? They do tend to stop severe illness, but taking vitamin D in advance provides a similar benefit. Vaccines don’t stop COVID-19 from spreading because vaccinated people can still catch COVID-19. Was vaccinating during a pandemic the right thing to do? Or did we just give the virus a reason to mutate?

What if existing studies reveal that there is little to no difference between the COVID vaccinated and unvaccinated in terms of becoming infected, harboring the virus (viral load in the oral and nasopharynx), and transmitting it? 

The vaccines seem to have a number of side effects including raising the risk of heart attacks. and myocarditis and they result in more adverse events to women (4-1) than men. Most notably, the mass vaccine campaign has not had a discernible impact on global death rates .

Why aren’t we questioning side effects? Why aren’t drug companies keeping track of adverse events from the vaccine? Why don’t they count an adverse effect as one that happens after one jab, not two?

Has any media outlet questioned why states and countries with high vaccinated rates are experiencing high rates of coronavirus? (Maine has a vaccination rate of 72% for two doses and 82% for one dose. Yet, Covid hospitalizations are high. Could it be because people are being told to wait at home, do nothing, and not come back to the hospital until they need oxygen? Why is there no care plan for early home treatment? Really?)

What does fully vaccinated mean? It appears that we have been drawn in by shifting goalposts where the rules of the game keep changing.

The definition of fully vaccinated in the United States will be changed, Dr. Anthony Fauci said Wednesday. (Peak Prosperity Digest Dec. 13, 2021) Source

 “It’s going to be a matter of when, not if,” Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said during an appearance on CNN.

 Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a Pfizer board member and former head of the Food and Drug Administration, said last month he thinks the CDC will update the definition of fully vaccinated to include boosters, but not until next year.

 “I think at some point they’re going to, but not this year. I think eventually this will be considered the three dose vaccine, but I would be hard pressed to believe CDC is going to make that recommendation any time soon,” he said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” (Pfizer says a fourth shot, ,Fauci says annual.)

We knew this was coming. If you don’t get boosted soon, you’ll be among the unvaxxed. My guess: this happens in January 2022. Sweden told us that Vaccine Effectiveness goes to zero after 240 days, and is negative thereafter. Safe & Effective!  A whole lot of “fully vaxxed” people are at VE=0 right now. (Chris Martenson)

Why is it so hard to get unbiased information? University of Ghent Professor Mattias Desmet estimates that 30% of us are deeply hypnotized into giving up our freedoms as we fall into the coronavirus hysteria; 40% of us are not subject to this mass psychosis but may go along with the crowd; and 30% of us cannot be hypnotized leading to our current state of polarization. 

Why aren’t many authors and journalists asking these questions? Why are they “data hesitant?” Maybe it is my mass hypnosis, believing that they were open-minded when they never were.  I projected onto them how I wanted them to be—I wanted to find voices I could trust. Are they displaying our shadow? Are they just as biased, selectively uneducated, angry and blinded by their own passion and belief in what they think is right as those they point the finger at? Is there a hidden agenda? They appear to be extremely intolerant of dissent voices—deliberately eliminating voices of dissent such as:

All these writers are doing is questioning the narrative we are being told. 

To be clear, I am not suggesting that Coronavirus is not a serious illness. But it is a very treatable disease, especially at the onset. We should take it seriously and do our best to prepare the terrain (our body). This includes diet, exercise, Vitamin D , and Vitamin C. (For treatment protocols and home treatment remedies, visit the FLCCC Alliance.)

It seems to me that we have fallen under a hypnotic spell—a mass psychosis/formation and we don’t even know it. We aren’t questioning things that just don’t make sense. The crazier the proposition, the more we accept it. (I have noticed this on both ends of the spectrum: right or left. Mass psychosis theory says there is not a smart vs. dumb population, rather intelligence levels out. I guess we aren’t as smart as we think we are.)  

Why are perfectly good, inexpensive treatments being kept from us?  (Anti-virals: Ivermectin or black cumin seed, gargle mouthwash, Vitamins: D3, C, Quercetin, Zinc and Melatonin?) 

Beechtree labs has a serum that works and was tested by the FDA. Why have we not heard of this? Why is data on repurposing existing drugs to treat COVID-19 being blocked, rejected and buried?

Why are doctors who know and use repurposed existing drugs being persecuted, made to sound like quacks and in some instances fired? Why did Fauci and NIH collude to smear experts who challenged the narrative?

Why doesn’t the Mayo Clinic or Duke run a really good treatment protocol? A good protocol would include researching FLCCC MATH+Hospital protocol. 

Why are “outsiders” the ones discovering what treatment works? Why is only .05 of Fauci’s budget used toward finding treatments for Covid? We’re getting ready to pour money into long-haul treatments. Doesn’t it make sense to find a treatment for Covid before it gets to that stage?

Why don’t we ask the follow-up question?

I wonder.

If you have been able to get vaccinated and have had no known adverse effects, it will probably serve you well. I suggest that because there are many, thousands who cannot get the vaccine for many reasons—and I am one of them, we should be kind. There are many paths to the same goal.  No one individual, group or “expert” has the only path.

Take your D3
