Intuitions, Seeing With the Heart
. . .from chapter one.
Carl Jung once related a story about a conversation with Ochwiay Bianco, then chief of the Pueblo Indians. Bianco when asked, told Jung that his opinion of the white man was not very high because they always seem upset, restless, and looking for something. The result of this is their faces are wrinkled. Not only that, they must be crazy because they think with their heads and it is well known that only crazy people do that.
“How do you think?” Jung asked.
“Naturally,” Bianco replied, “with my heart.”
We have the answers, the heart always brings them to us. It is the questions that are difficult. We don’t know what we want to know, and we don’t know how to ask the question in order to get the answer. In truth, the questions are always right before our nose, ever present.
Much has been written on intuition, what it is and what it is not. Discussions abound on whether it exists or does not exist. However, despite the many words, clearly there is enough evidence that something exists which provides us information which we have no logical way of knowing. Information which, if we act on it, could be useful and helpful, not only in our everyday lives, but toward our spiritual growth as well.
Intuitions, Seeing With the Heart was my first book. After ten printings we have let it go out of print. It is not gone forever, the latest version of Intuitions, Seeing with the heartis in the process of being made into an audio CD, which you will be able to download from this site. Expected date of delivery: January 2008.
A Hidden Order
A Hidden Order (Redwheel Weiser, 2004) is a spellbinding blend of true stories, rich with controversy, love, mystery and serendipity. Using anecdotal accounts, and my own search for meaning, I suggest that there is a design, a plan that contains a purpose and destiny for every individual. I ask you to consider the possibility that you are born with a soul connection to the universe that determines how your life will unfold. Your dreams, intuitions, and coincidences reveal this connection and if you are open to the messages they contain, you can use them to guide you on your life path.
I propose that everything is connected. Nothing occurs by chance; and that our goal, as spiritual beings is to consciously remember this relationship.
“An intelligent and wonderful narrative about invisible pathways and crossroads that shape lives. Deep human interest, intriguing details, uplifting insights!” – Ingo Swann
“This is like having a dolphin as your guide and mentor as you learn how to swim skillfully in the oceans of energies in which we all live. A Hidden Order is informative, inspiring, and practical. Truly the work of a master teacher.”– Al Siebert, Ph.D.,The Survivor Personality, Director of the Resiliency Center
“I had the good luck to take a workshop with Winter many years ago and I’m delighted to discover her new book A Hidden Order. Winter gently invites you into the adventures of her life and guides you through the magic of enlightenment and intuition. I especially loved her experiential practices and rituals, and will be recommending this book to my international newsletter community for sure. Winter challenges all of us to build our lives on the truth.” – Gail McMeekin, LICSW,The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women and The Power of Positive Choices
“In her new book, A Hidden Order, Winter Robinson becomes our gentle guide to unraveling the mysteries of our beingness. Through stories and experiential exercises, she gives us tools to understand our past, fully experience our present, and consciously design our future.” – Alan Seale, Soul Mission, Life Vision and Intuitive Living: A Sacred Path
“Winter motivates us to have the courage to listen to the inner voice of wisdom that is in each one of us. She also motivates us to take the actions necessary to create the life we are meant to live. A great book!” – Carole Lynne, How to Get a Good Reading from a Psychic Medium and Heart and Sound
“A Hidden Order is an uplifting and inspiring invitation to self-discovery. Winter Robinson has that rare and welcomed ability to convey a message of profound life-changing importance with elegant and engaging simplicity. Step by step, she leads the reader into an intimate and loving relationship with their life’s purpose and, thus, toward a sense of personal fulfillment.” – Paula M. Reeves, Ph.D, Women’s Intuition and Heart Sense”
From chapter two. . .
“Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the end, by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect, as well as for the star. Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper.” – Albert Einstein
There is an order to our natural world that we often take for granted. What we see is only the surface of a hidden (implicate) order . . .the underlying, explicable force that at times seems almost mystical as it displays unseen connections. It can present itself as a telephone call from an old friend just as you thought of them; receiving a message from a departed loved one in a dream; or meeting someone for the first time and feeling as if you have know them forever.
1. An invisible, hidden order underlies all existence.
2. Before we incarnate we use this order to make a plan for our life which, if we choose to follow it, guides us in unveiling and manifesting our full potential.
3. Signs of this hidden order are evidenced by meaninful, unusual events. The mysterious phenomenon of the (seemingly) accidental meeting of two, highly improbable, unrelated, causal chains in coincidental event that is highly significant. . .has puzzled man for centuries. One of the most significant contributions of Carl Jung was his investigation of human connectivity, which he called Synchronicity.
Synchronicity has flow and direction. When we are in touch the flow (a hidden order) we experience more meaningful coincidences and a greater awareness of the universe in which we live.
4. The connecting thread from a hidden order comes about gradually and naturally as it flows its own nature, flowing from our unconscious, our dream states, and our thoughts into the patterns of life.
5. A hidden order is like the wind. We can only see the effects of the wind, we never see the wind itself. It would be nice if we could point to our astrological natal chart and say, “Here is the direction that my life is going. It is all carefully planned out.” But nothing is as easy . . .or clear . . .as we would like it to be. The nudge that pushes us toward our future is frequently silent, invisible, and unexpected.
6. Experiencing a hidden order brings an understanding that cannot be put into words. By its very nature it transcends linguistics.
7. Your life plan (a hidden order) is always present, but without giving it our full attention we miss the opportunity and potential it offers.
8. It shows itself to everyone with the same intensity, but only those open to shedding preconceived notions about themselves and their reality consistently see it.
9. Simple, everyday tools help us strengthen the bridge to a hidden order.