How do I know something is True?


Three things can not be long hidden, the sun, the moon and the Truth. 

-the Tathagata


I hardly know where to begin after my three-year hiatus from writing posts. Too often I would begin to write something, only to have my thoughts side-tracked by the many intense events we’ve all been struggling to digest. Today a part of me wants to take the low road, complain bitterly and ask, “How did we get here?” But a stronger voice inside suggests I take a breath and listen.

Recently, life changed when I heard Ky Dickens’ The Telepathy Tapes podcast. My captivation with the unseen was rekindled. I was flying again, seeing the unseen, hearing my inner voice, feeling renewed and ready to explore things I sense but cannot always see or touch. (If you have not listened to this podcast, please take the time. The information is old, with an exciting new twist: autistic children who cannot speak but use telepathy to communicate with each other. In other words, they share consciousness.)

This idea of a shared consciousness resonates with me as a Deep Truth—which is a core premise of physics. (Deep Truths are not surface truths that can be reduced to mere fact, proven or unproven. Nobel Physicist Frank Wilzcek)

Although it can’t be proven (yet) the Pervasive Universal Consciousness (PUC) model supports telepathy and simultaneous existence. It proposes that consciousness is not confined to individual brains or biological systems but is a fundamental feature of the universe itself, interwoven into the very fabric of reality. It suggests that everything in existence—from particles to planets—participates in a vast, interconnected field of awareness. There is no ownership of thoughts, no divisiveness, no one-upmanship, no secrets.

Consider that, if true, we share a simultaneous existence. …with everything. This is much more fascinating than our chaotic political arena which is clearly Pisces moving into Aquarius.  Or, as some might say, we are moving from Kali Yuga (the age of darkness) into Sati Yuga (the age of truth).

Reflecting on the telepathy tapes, I have to ask myself, how do I recognize a deep truth? How do I know something is True?

Aren’t all of us struggling to find Truth these days? If it is true for one person, is it true for all? Are there as many truths as there are people on the planet? I have good friends who hold fast to a truth that is nowhere close to mine. 

And yet, for me Truth is a feeling that comes from my spiritual heart. My ego is not involved, even if or especially if, it doesn’t like what it hears. Truth has a sense of wholeness to it. It just is. Full stop. 

Can I hear an opposing opinion—even if I don’t agree--and not react? If I am aware, I catch my body reaction when someone strongly states a view that I don’t like. My jaw gets tight, my shoulders tense, I probably stop breathing. Does this make them wrong? Not necessarily. But I recognize that I have shut down and I am not open to hearing what they say. I am not curious.

That said, it is my opinion that we have not only lost connection with our Soul, we have lost our ability to discern a deep truth and to be curious.  We don’t ask questions. We don’t listen and we are simply waiting to give our thoughts and let the other know he, or she, is wrong.

If we consider that all of us are in our own personal box, then outside of the box is…Everything!  Don’t you wonder what you might be missing? I do.

 Aren’t you curious?


I Can’t Keep Silent

Winter Solstice is that time of the year when the sun and light, return to the earth. Maybe this year the return of light will shed light on our shadow, that part of ourselves we try to ignore—keep hidden from ourselves. I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently and I am beginning to think that these days we are collectively seeing more of our shadow, that part of ourselves that is selfish, mean, narcissistic, angry and controlling.

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Intuition is Inconvenient

Lately, I have noticed that my pace of life is out of step with my inner core. I always seem to be too busy to stop and read, or sit watching the birds. With spring on our doorstep life has become even busier with the outside world straining to gain my attention. I have gardens to prepare and plant, chickens to protect from foxes, and lots of cleaning, painting and discarding of the old that needs to get done. I can easily justify that I will get around to paying attention to my intuition once “X” is done (and we all know that “X” is never ending).

That said, I have been revisiting the concept of intuition and how I manage to ignore her. How many times have I had a clear hit about something I needed to do but didn’t, either because I just didn’t want to or it was inconvenient at the time? Or more likely, my intuition was advising against something that I really wanted to do.

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Freedom’s Just Another Word for Nothing Left to Lose…

For several months I have been mentally writing a blog post about individual freedom. From time to time I switch to another topic, yet I always return to the same theme, questioning—what is freedom? In a spiritual context, Taoist/Buddhist teachings tell me that freedom is breaking free from the wants and desires of my monkey mind. But today, not trying to be free from my mind, I am engrossed the in material world, letting my mind ruminate on the topic of being free.

My interest in the concept of freedom may be connected to my sun sign of Libra (justice/balance), but more likely it is because I had the good fortune to work in litigation for the Attorney General of Virginia. My sole focus for three years was understanding and defending the First Amendment. Prior to this experience, I thought Constitutional Law was boring and wondered why anyone would want to specialize in it. I was so wrong.

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Does History Repeat Itself

You are a normal person, having normal reactions to an abnormal situation.

The stay at home order has given me the opportunity to catch up with some of my good intentions (such as call friends to see how they are), reflect, write and start seeds for the garden. Like many I have spoken to, slowing down has given me a new perspective on life. Without thinking about the next place I need to be, I can be present to what I am doing, or thinking about. It is nice to explore in-depth topics with Michael without feeling the need we have to stop in order to rush out the door.

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Pisces moves into Aquarius

As many of you know, for years I have suggested that we are living in a time when the Age of Pisces moves to the Age of Aquarius. Pisces aspires to the highest and spiritual life (monasteries, gurus, etc) but it is also the old, institutional, power-hungry patriarchal society.

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The I Ching

Many years ago, when I was working for the Attorney General of Virginia, one of my co-workers came into my office with a book. “I thought you’d like to look at this.”

It was a copy of the I Ching. The Book of Change, perhaps the oldest book on the planet. The I Ching is a guide to the way things change—simultaneous awareness of agricultural cycles and social patterns, courtly manners and battlefield strategies, cosmic events and inner development. Over the millennia it has communicated cosmic order with startling accuracy.

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The Present Moment

There’s good news and there’s bad news. The good news is that we are more than our physical body, and magic is real. The bad news is that we have forgotten this. We have forgotten who and what we are. We have forgotten how to listen to our inner voice.

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The Truth Will Never Be Hidden, Everything Eventually Finds Its Way to the Light

Sixteen years ago I wrote Kezar, a novel about Light and Dark forces. In it Morgaine, the protagonist, uses feminine power that we have kept hidden for centuries. From the opening:

The Way of Darkness is deeply rooted in our society⏤many of its beliefs part and parcel of our culture. When did the Light and Dark become separate? Was it when we began to spend more time working, making money, and less time simply Being? Is it because thinking has become paramount to feeling, to sensing? Perhaps the world is shutting down. Nothing makes sense any more. Not death, where nothing changes and life, where nothing stays the same.

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