How do I know something is True?


Three things can not be long hidden, the sun, the moon and the Truth. 

-the Tathagata


I hardly know where to begin after my three-year hiatus from writing posts. Too often I would begin to write something, only to have my thoughts side-tracked by the many intense events we’ve all been struggling to digest. Today a part of me wants to take the low road, complain bitterly and ask, “How did we get here?” But a stronger voice inside suggests I take a breath and listen.

Recently, life changed when I heard Ky Dickens’ The Telepathy Tapes podcast. My captivation with the unseen was rekindled. I was flying again, seeing the unseen, hearing my inner voice, feeling renewed and ready to explore things I sense but cannot always see or touch. (If you have not listened to this podcast, please take the time. The information is old, with an exciting new twist: autistic children who cannot speak but use telepathy to communicate with each other. In other words, they share consciousness.)

This idea of a shared consciousness resonates with me as a Deep Truth—which is a core premise of physics. (Deep Truths are not surface truths that can be reduced to mere fact, proven or unproven. Nobel Physicist Frank Wilzcek)

Although it can’t be proven (yet) the Pervasive Universal Consciousness (PUC) model supports telepathy and simultaneous existence. It proposes that consciousness is not confined to individual brains or biological systems but is a fundamental feature of the universe itself, interwoven into the very fabric of reality. It suggests that everything in existence—from particles to planets—participates in a vast, interconnected field of awareness. There is no ownership of thoughts, no divisiveness, no one-upmanship, no secrets.

Consider that, if true, we share a simultaneous existence. …with everything. This is much more fascinating than our chaotic political arena which is clearly Pisces moving into Aquarius.  Or, as some might say, we are moving from Kali Yuga (the age of darkness) into Sati Yuga (the age of truth).

Reflecting on the telepathy tapes, I have to ask myself, how do I recognize a deep truth? How do I know something is True?

Aren’t all of us struggling to find Truth these days? If it is true for one person, is it true for all? Are there as many truths as there are people on the planet? I have good friends who hold fast to a truth that is nowhere close to mine. 

And yet, for me Truth is a feeling that comes from my spiritual heart. My ego is not involved, even if or especially if, it doesn’t like what it hears. Truth has a sense of wholeness to it. It just is. Full stop. 

Can I hear an opposing opinion—even if I don’t agree--and not react? If I am aware, I catch my body reaction when someone strongly states a view that I don’t like. My jaw gets tight, my shoulders tense, I probably stop breathing. Does this make them wrong? Not necessarily. But I recognize that I have shut down and I am not open to hearing what they say. I am not curious.

That said, it is my opinion that we have not only lost connection with our Soul, we have lost our ability to discern a deep truth and to be curious.  We don’t ask questions. We don’t listen and we are simply waiting to give our thoughts and let the other know he, or she, is wrong.

If we consider that all of us are in our own personal box, then outside of the box is…Everything!  Don’t you wonder what you might be missing? I do.

 Aren’t you curious?