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The Medicine of the Soul
Women’s Sanctuary, Canton, CT.
Are you in a process of always trying to heal yourself? Are you tired of trying every new remedy, every treatment, every spiritual practice and yet you still have a physical body, like our world, that is out of balance?
Our deepest potential for healing both ourselves and the future lies in our willingness to let go of our drive to control, our ability to listen to guidance, and our desire to act on this information. Our ego’s drive to make happen, to heal ourselves, to heal the planet, falls away as we learn where we are not “letting go,” but rather doing our best to control the outcome from our outdated belief systems. Consider that what happens in our bodies is what is happening in the world. A significant change in global consciousness is taking place and we are being asked to (collectively) be this change.
We return to the sacred and the spiritual during this one-day retreat as we learn to wait in silence for our internal messages. In that space we reconnect parts of ourselves, discover our own powers to connect with others, and listen to what our physical bodies tell us. Guided exercises through your individual headsets help you sense the complete patterns within yourself and reach a state of “knowing.” This knowing allows discovery of a different way of being, a different approach to healing: body, mind, spirit and the earth.
Being in this state takes intention, relaxation and practice. It allows for miracles, far beyond what our mind can conceive. This is the true nature of healing—living the flow of life that we are.
In this workshop participants will:
Discover their control issues
Understand how premonitions are innate in everyone, the purposes they serve, how to cultivate them, and their impact on our understanding of human consciousness and how we live our lives
Learn stress reduction and better problem-solving skills
Sharpen their awareness of synchronicities
Examine big dreams (personal and collective), daydreams and visions and create dream-like experiences to help discover the messages from our Soul.
Medical Intuition, Basic Training
Bloomfield, CT.
A medical intuitive perceives information about the human body through intuition, identifying imbalances as well as detecting the underlying causes of physical and emotional conditions. A health scan or intuitive health reading is a holistic approach, assessing energetic, mental, spiritual, physical and emotional components of a problem.
In this remarkable weekend class, author, teacher, consultant and medical intuitive Winter Robinson will teach you how to do this for yourself and others. A specialist in facilitating the intuitive process, multi-sensory development, and exploring human consciousness, Winter will guide you through a progression of exercises and techniques to develop, expand and strengthen your intuitive abilities. She will also teach you to think symbolically about illness, an important skill with the potential to transform symptoms through the use of metaphor. “Medical intuition is not just about disease or illness, but also about discovering our true, spiritual nature,” explains Winter. “By using intuition to see the complete pattern within a person or situation, sensing the whole or essence in others, we are helped to understand our own innate individuality and paradoxically, our connection to everything. By stretching your belief systems we attempt to help you suspend your disbelief, so that you reach a state of knowing.”
Intuition: Body, Mind and Spirit
(Equilibrium, Chicago, Ill.)
Discovering intuition is about discovering our true, spiritual nature. That includes body (medical intuition), mind and Spirit. By using intuition to see the complete pattern within a person or situation, sensing the whole or essence in others, we are helped to understand our own innate individuality and paradoxically, our connection to everything. By stretching your belief systems you suspend your disbelief, so that you reach a state of knowing.
Medical Intuition and Dreams That Heal
Monroe Institute, Faber, Virginia (5 day retreat)
Identify the many ways your intuition speaks to you.
Increase your sensitivity to receive and act on the messages from your body.
Many factors affect our health, from genetics and environmental pollution to toxic emotions. Our bodies constantly speak to us (disease and illness are often the result of unconscious choices) and have much to teach us if we can learn to listen. Our intuition can provide valuable tools for uncovering emotional, mental, and spiritual causes of physical problems and bringing them into conscious awareness. Keeping a dream diary allows the intuitive skills that we cultivate during the day to continue on a deeper level at night. This process can be more effective than conventional therapies and treatments.
Learn mind-body-spirit techniques to tap into your own self-healing abilities.
Open to both practitioners and people on their own healing journeys.
Perhaps you are addressing specific health conditions or you are working with patients who have health concerns. Maybe you need to relax and rejuvenate from excessive stress and a toxic environment; or you sense the need to deepen your own understanding and practice of inner guidance.
You will discover, cultivate, and use your inner guidance in all its forms (dreams, symbols, metaphor, emotions kinesthetic, somatic), as you explore a holistic approach to health and well-being.
Developed by Winter Robinson, MEd, and Larry Burk, MD, CEHP this program is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to tap your deepest potential for healing and understanding by taking an all-embracing approach to optimal wellness.